Wednesday, June 18, 2008

"Blaming the IRS for your poor choices isn't healthy."

I'm sorry, but this comment touched a nerve. A big fat nerve.

"Blaming the IRS for your poor choices isn't healthy. Besides, the IRS is actually doing you a financial favor by applying 'your' stimulus check to your tax liability. My advice to you is to get rid of said liability as soon as possible as it can grow exponentially if you're not prudent. I found that out the hard way . . . [full link]"

Okay, I'm not really mad at the IRS, nor am I blaming them. I was just trying to blow off some steam after getting my hopes dashed. Yes, I didn't save up enough to pay my estimated taxes, yes I have a myriad of excuses, yes I'm glad that I don't owe them as much because, like a stern parent engaging in some tough love, they took my stimulus and made sure it went towards my debt.

I'm a smart lady, but sometimes I do less than smart things -- things that I am slowly starting to rectify with my impending 30th birthday. One of the smartest things I've done was enroll in a debt management program in January, which by the way was one of the singularly most embarrassing moments of my life. Nothing says failure more than laying out bills and pay stubs on the desk of a complete stranger and asking for help. Nothing says failure more than having to explain how I got in that situation in the first place. But I did it and it took a lot of courage to face my mistakes. Now I'm making healthy choices in my life. And I have a budget.

The thing is I just wanted -- for once! -- to have a break. Not that the IRS is known for its breaks, but I wanted one. And hence my frustration.

Buzz kill of the century, right?

Speaking of buzz kills, Ms. K has to go to a funeral today and tomorrow so her plan to quit smoking has been pushed back to June 20th. In the meantime she wants to become new best friends with the commenter from Brazil so she can get $3 cigarettes. Then again if cigarettes were only $3, Ms. K wouldn't be quitting at all.

See, both of us are making healthy choices.


Anonymous said...

If it makes you feel any better, I'm 34 years old and have only recently gotten a handle on my finances. I too enrolled in a debt management program a few years ago. It took me a while to chip away at the problem but I did. I was also fortunate enough to get a no-interest loan from my parents, which I'm still repaying (every month like clockwork) to this day. I would have been royally screwed without it.

Financial shit happens to the best of us. The important thing is you recognize it and you're already doing something about it. You're totally entitled to be majorly bummed out when an expected source of cash suddenly dries up. I'd go all Incredible Hulk if that happened to me.

Sadly, my stimulus check will be handed right over to the moving company (I'm moving July 1). Regardless, I'll buy you a drink the next time I see you. Sound good?

Also, I love the new banner!!

Kat said...

I'm a regular reader (say..lurker?) on your blog, and I often find that in spite of your tendency toward loving self deprecation, you are incredibly world-wise. (i.e. you're pretty awesome._

That being said - you wrote "Nothing says failure more than laying out bills and pay stubs on the desk of a complete stranger and asking for help. Nothing says failure more than having to explain how I got in that situation in the first place."

That's not failure. That's proof that you are indeed a responsible, thoughtful person. It's also proof that you are a human being, because human nature disposes us to get in over our heads sometimes. It is having the presence of mind to recognize that, and to get up and do something proactive towards resolving things that turns the tides toward success.

"Failure isn't getting knocked down; Failure is not getting up again."

Congrats on your budget, and Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

That is the problem with $3 cigarettes. I have tried to quit a couple of times, and am right now on my third attempt (I was also impelled partially by financial problems, by the way). The packs are just so cheap though, that this tough process gets way tougher.

On another note, I hope your financial situation improves, and that you and Ms. K manage to get enough money to move in together. I honestly do not or have ever seen you as a failure, and I have to say I was always amazed by your decision to move to New York, and face life like that.

Good luck with everything!