Monday, December 18, 2006

"What possessed you to booze it up on a Sunday night?"

Since there's been an uptick in web traffic, I think it's best to re-introduce myself.

Hello! My name is Rouge. I am a lesbian. I am single. I live in Brooklyn. I have two cats, which is as close as I'll come to the whole lesbian cliche. This blog mostly chronicles my disastrous attempts at finding love.

There you go. Enjoy!

So how have I been? Well I never did email Bernie Mac back to let her know (again) that I really wasn't interested. All you have to do is read this to know what I'm looking for. (Sadly she did not qualify) I've been in the process of figuring out what my new focus will be in 2007. Thoughts anyone? I've also been freaking out that Christmas is one week away -- freaking out that until last Friday, I had done ZERO Christmas shopping. Too busy sitting at brunch for six hours getting drunk. Other than that, there aren't any interesting developments on the love front.

Just wanted to say howdy!


Anonymous said...

i ADORE your blog. i am a single brooklyn cat owning lesbian as well, and your operation to find the lesbians rings so true! i was having a lame christmas, but you cheered me up! you rule!


nycrouge said...

Aw . . . THANKS!!