Friday, September 19, 2008

"I am a lot more worried about us . . ."

Things are slowly -- emphasis on slowly -- starting to settle. Our various possessions are finding the appropriate cupboards, closets, and drawers to live in -- although I'm still stumped as to where to put our 15 baking sheets, 27 pots and pans, 12 Pyrex dishes, and 9 muffin tins etc. Seriously, with the amount of kitchen stuff between the both of us you'd think that we were opening a restaurant.

That said it's the intangible things that are taking longer to settle -- mainly the chemistry between Ms. K and I. Something shifted with the move and our energy is off. We've been distant with each other and we've more apt to argue. Now we're worried that something changed for the worst. Is our mojo still packed in a box somewhere?


Ms. Avarice said...

Surely it's packed somewhere!

Sally said...

Just the fact of moving is traumatic enough for one person, I can imagine for 2. You need to settle in a new place, with different smells, different energy. To make it "home" for both of you, you gotta be willing to not just "unpack" but make the effort to find that energy... start dating again, have romantic details with each other, or at least you try it yourself, and I'm sure she'll follow. My girlfriend (who lives in Europe while I had to come back to the States) believes that moving in together kills the relationship. You have to prove her wrong!!!

Anonymous said...

When my gf and I moved in together, (10 years ago!) we fought like crazy for three months. We would scream at each other and throw things and then one of us would storm out and sit in the park for a couple of hours until we cooled off. Ultimately that passed though and now we cohabit very peacefully.

There's no way moving in together isn't stressful. Put that together with the stress of moving, and that this was a stressful process to begin with, and "more apt to argue" sounds like a real understatement... I recommend a massive effort to finish unpacking and get everything looking good -- boxes add exponentially to stress.

Don't worry, love will prevail! Don't let the fighting get to you; in my opinion it's totally normal. No way does moving in together kill the relationship -- it's just that many more opportunities for sex :)

Alexa said...

i'm really sorry to hear that, but i'm sure that once things get completely settled and you two sit down and talk things everything is gonna be alright...

best of luck...


Unknown said...

no's all a settling-in process right now on all levels...including the energy between the two of will all finds its own little niche in time and then the two of you can, once again, enjoy your new habitat as well as each other...

sending you warm hugs and positive thoughts