Wednesday, September 06, 2006

"I miss you."

I know, I know. I can practically hear your drumming fingers on my side of the computer screen. The reason there hasn't been an entry in a few days is because there hasn't been anything to share on the Holly front -- we have been in a holding pattern since she has been traveling.

But no more! Not only did she (belatedly) respond to my text this weekend with an "I miss you," but she called me yesterday evening and we made plans to meet for dinner tonight. ¡Dios mio! I might explode.

In the meantime I've been clearing a path or rather having one cleared for me. Remember Saturday Night Date Girl with whom I had two dates? She wrote me last night to say that she was seeing someone and didn't want to deceive me. Well that was easy -- now I can focus on Holly without having to initiate the awkward conversation with SNDG myself.

So my plan for tonight? Lay all my cards on the table.


H said...

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Now, now... nothing new on the Holly front is no excuse for your blatant disregard of your readers' entertainment needs. There were plenty of posts in the interim period; it's not like you went on hiatus.

Maybe we should identify September as a "Sweeps" months, like the networks do. You could use it as a motivational tool to be bold. Bold actions = dramatic stories = increased ratings :0)

nycrouge said...

Short of death, I cannot imagine life any more dramatic.

Fliven said...

I look forward to the post "cards on the table" follow-up blog! So much drama...

Red said...

Your blog is always entertaining and witty! Any daily tidbit is appreciated. No need to drum up drama on my account.

"short of death, I cannot imagine life any more dramatic"--oh the irony of the melodrama contained within this statement.

If I could insert the skype emoticon "wondering", with the animated raising of one eyebrow, I would.

Red said...

And in other news, didn't you pull a Scarlett J, back in Silver Spring?

nycrouge said...

Oh I so did. Thankfully the apartment that I broke into was empty.