Monday, June 26, 2006

"That girl's got some moves!"

Dyke March
Ah, Pride. It's like Christmas for The Gays. This weekend was the culmination of Pride in NYC and everywhere I went people wished me, "Happy Pride!" Well merry Pridemas to you too and a happy gay new year! Where are my presents?

Pride apparently involves lots of drinking because I drank constantly from Friday to Sunday with The Lesbians. There was salsa dancing and whisky drinking at my friend's place on Friday, gay bars and the Dyke March on Saturday, and a champagne soaked brunch on Sunday. Then there was a sex toy singles party at Babeland on Sunday night. Speaking of presents, I bought myself a gift whose main componants are batteries and silicone. I'm going to have to keep myself entertained while I slink back into singledom, you know.

Still haven't heard from Val. I'm planning a Okay, what the fuck is going on phone call sometime on Tuesday. Then I can say I've done all I can apart from showing up at her place and demanding my sari back. My Lesbian Club members tell me to buck up -- apparently the way I salsa dance means I won't be single for long.

Dyke March photo from Kinkyink's Flickr.


bad apologies said...

Yay for toys. I haven't found the right mix of silicone and batteries, but decided to take what I have with me to Oregon for the week. Yeah, its in my luggage, but at least its a carry-on. I think I just like the excitement...

Anonymous said...

You are KILLING me with the lack of blogging updates. I know it's summer, but that just means you should have MORE time to slack off at work and write funny insights into the world of lesbian dating. Or non-lesbian things...since that seems to have disappeared over the last 6 months during OFTL.