Tuesday, July 01, 2008

"It's hard to take you seriously when you're yelling at me in your underwear."

As I've mentioned previously, Ms. K isn't a cat person. I have two of them. Needless to say we've had some fights over my cats as we all learn to coexist peacefully together. However she has a very contentions relationship with my cat Theo, who is absolutely petrified of her. She just can't leave him alone, like this morning as I got ready for work.

As she began to give him hard time, I lost my temper and snapped at her. Nevermind the fact that I was half dressed.

"You know, I ask one simple thing of you! I ask sixteen thousand times a day for you to just leave Theo alone. Pretend he's invisible if you must! Is that so difficult?!"

She looked at me with a mixture of fear and amusement.

"It's hard to take you seriously when you're yelling at me in your underwear."

"Sorry. Let me go put on my yelling burqa for you!"

Cheeky girl.


Natazzz said...

Underwear yelling is indeed not as effective as fully dressed yelling, however, it is much more enjoyable for the person getting yelled at...

Sleepy said...

The last four days I've been yelled at via text message!
Most agreeable.
Gives one time to come up with all the things that get forgotten during the 'face to face-ers', like witty ripostes!